Academic Awards

Selection of honor pupils and students

HRCF follows DepEd  Order No. 36 s. 2016 or known as the “Policy Guidelines on Awards and Recognition for the K to 12 Basic Education Program” in the  ranking    of  honor    pupils and students of the Department of Education in determining the honor students during the commencement exercises and moving up ceremonies.

1.1.  In line with the implementation of Republic Act No.  10533, otherwise known as Enhanced   Basic   Education  Act  of  2013   (K to  12  Law),   the   Department   of  Education (DepEd) is  adopting the  enclosed Policy   Guidelines     on  Awards   and  Recognition      for the  K to  12  Basic   Education     Program. 

1.2.  These   awards   have    been    designed   to   formally recognize the    outstanding performance   and    achievement   of   learners   in   academics,   leadership,    and    social responsibility,   among other    aspects   of student   progress   and    development.   These awards   are   given to   encourage   learners   to   strive for   excellence and    to   become proactive members of the school and community.    

1.3.  All learners,  including  transferees,   who  have   met   the   standards,   criteria,  and guidelines  set  by this  policy shall  be  recognized.

1.4.  There can be two or more recipients of any award.  However, should there   be no qualified learner; the awards shall not be given.

1.5.  For learners in the   Special Education (SpEd) program who follow the   K to 12 Curriculum,   the    same    policy guidelines   shall    apply.   Learners   using   a   modified curriculum   may   receive recognition   in   the    class    based   on   their    performance   in meeting the standards   of their   curriculum.

1.6.  Effective  School  Year    2016-2017,    the    Policy  Guidelines   on    Awards   and Recognition for  the   K to  12 Basic Education  Program  shall   be  implemented  in  public elementary  and   secondary   schools,  including  Grade  6  classes  under  the   old  Basic Education  Curriculum  (BEC).

1.7.  Private   schools,   higher   education    institutions     (HEIs),  technical-vocational institutions   (TVIs), state   universities  and   colleges (SUCs), and   local   universities  and colleges   (LUCs) offering  basic     education   or   any    grade   levels  thereof,   shall    be responsible  for promulgating  their   policy guidelines  on  awards  and  recognition  for the K to  12  Basic Education  Program,  consistent  with   these   policies and   guidelines.  Any modifications   in   the    guidelines   should   be   subject   to   the   approval of the    DepEd Regional Office.

1.8.  These    guidelines   will remain    in   force   and   in   effect   for the   duration    of the program,   unless    sooner    repealed,   amended,   or rescinded.   All provisions   in existing Orders   and Memoranda which   are inconsistent   with this Order   are rescinded.

Encl.: As stated References: DepEd   Order:    Nos.15, s. 2016;   8, s.  2015,   and 74, s.  2012