ScholarshipS and DISCOUNTS

(for Junior High School students)

A student entering HRCF Junior High School  who graduated as valedictorian or salutatorian  from any elementary school is granted  a free tuition and miscellaneous fees except for the required books. To maintain this scholarship the students should be in the roster of top 1-3 for the school year. If the maintaining policy has not been met by the student he/she has to pay the regular matriculation fees as set by the institution for the next school year.

Educational service contracting
(ESC) program

A student entering HRCF Junior High School who is a graduate from public schools is granted an ESC slot under the Department of Education through Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) and a student who graduated from private schools who certified as indigent in their community or financial needy will be given the same slot. This ESC grantees are receiving Php 9, 000.00.  All ESC grantees are assured of financial assistance throughout Junior High School starting from Grade 7 as long as they meet the requirements for regular promotion in each grade level.


The School Committee (SC) shall profile and assess the students who are considered for ESC grants and select grantees based on need, given the limited slots allocated to the school.

(Ref. Deped Order No. 20 s. 2017)


Students who opt to enroll at HRCF Senior High School who completed their Grade 10 in the school year prior to the current may participate in the SHS Voucher Program (SHS VP) a program under the Department of Education through the Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education (GASTPE). All Grade 10 Junior High School completers of Public Junior High Schools and SUC/LUC Junior High Schools are qualified voucher recipients (QVR). These students shall receive the full voucher value. Grade 10 ESC Grantees who completed their Junior High School in ESC Participating schools are also qualified voucher recipients. However, they shall receive 80% of the full voucher value. This school year 2017-2018 from Public JHS completers are receiving Ph. 17,500.00/year and from ESC JHS completer are receiving Php 14,000.00/year.  

All QVRs are assured of financial assistance throughout the Senior High School as long as they meet the requirements for regular promotional each semester per school year. Vouchers cover only 2 consecutive years of schooling. If a student is unable to complete the academic requirements for Grade 11, then he/she is disqualified to receive a voucher in Grade12.

            Non‐ESC Grade 10 completers from Private Junior High  Schools who wish to avail of vouchers shall be required to apply for vouchers subject to an assessment of their socio-economic status and if deemed qualified shall also receive 80% of the full voucher value. Application for vouchers shall commence on the second Monday of November and end depending on the  type  of application process the voucher applicant decides to pursue. Application for vouchers is free of charge. You may access through the Online Voucher Application Portal (OVAP) at

( Ref. Deped Order No. 46 s. 2015).